●Endodontic treatment on a hopeless tooth is just as unethical as extracting are storable tooth and replacing it with an implant.
●Implants should never become an insurance policy for inadequate endodontic treatment.
~AAE Endodontic Competency ~
●Cure or prevent periradicular periodontitis; Retain natural teeth in function and aesthetics.
~Pathway ~
●Black coffee must be strong and very hot; if strong coffee does not agree with you, do not drink black coffee. And if you do not drink black coffee, do not drink any coffee at all.
~ Andre Simon
● It is a common knowledge. I know it, you know it—why should we tell each other ?
Cecchi Gori, M, Cecchi Gori, V, (Producers) Castellano, F, et al. Attila Flagello di Dio [Attila, Scourge of God; Motion Picture]. Italy: Intercapital; 1982.
● Do not think it right to press the subject, from the danger of raising expectations which might only end in disappointment.
~ 郭育華醫師
~ 吳家德
● 『當你跌谷底,時時準備起飛;當你登高峰,刻刻保持謙卑』
~ Modified from 吳家德
● 當你踏上旅途,路就會自己展現。
~ 波斯詩人魯米
● Don’t waste time trying to impress others — impress yourself!
~ David Goggins
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